Assalamualaikum w.b.t
How come cuti tiga hari tapi tak buat apa-apa kan. Last minute punya plan setelah program induction cancel tetiba tanpa apa-apa explanation. What's plan? Hey dude. It's not a dude. It's not a dude *pitch perfect tetiba. Eh wait. Pergi mana ni. Sebab Melaka cuti 15 April so kami berenam decide nak pergi PD. Alang-alang turun ronda habis-habisan la gayanya.
Here we are :O TELUK KEMANG, PORT DICKSON. Just only for two hours we at there. WHY? Because lot of 'orang asing'. Seriously terkejut gila sebab banyak sangat bangsa asing dan bukan lagi orang Malaysia yang mandi manda dekat sana. Sedih kot. Terasa macam kami bukan dekat Malaysia. Rasa macam dekat luar negara. I mean macam dekat Myanmar dsb. Dulu kalau datang PD dengan family, bangga gila sebab ramai orang-orang kita. But now, I feel disappointed of what happened and what I see.
This car exhibition make we happy after disappointed before. See. How cool there are. How cool the workers of Proton. They have lot of idea to design the car. And it awesome.
After that we proceed to Ulu Bendul. Sebelum tu, kami turun Seremban singgah restoran rakyat then solat dekat Masjid Negeri. Tapi singgah Giant Senawang sebab nak beli sikit barang. Memang kelakar bila ada yang tak bawa baju lebih untuk tukar lepas mandi air terjun. Nasib baik tak gerak jauh lagi.
InsyaAllah the next trip will be better.
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